Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Break!

I think it is especially beneficial to any homeschool mom to take the first week of Christmas break and simply refuse to think about school. The first semester is over! Semester exams for the high schoolers are graded and in the books, the youngers kids are done with their projects... it's time for a breather.

It is tempting to view a holiday as a time to "catch up" on all the things that have fallen by the wayside, but that is dangerous. Dangerous because it takes your mind off the beauty of the season. The Incarnation of Christ is the most immense, amazing, gorgeous event in all of history. Let's just take a week to dwell on that. Meditate and ponder. Discuss with your kids and use your imagination. Let it sink in.

Then, sleep late. Have a cup of hot cocoa on the couch at ten in the morning. Take the kids to the park. Star gaze until midnight and count the falling stars. Sit in the dark living room and stare at the lit Christmas tree with your youngest. It's ok. Their eduction will not suffer because you took a week off.

Your mind will empty, your heart will calm and your priorities will scoot back into line.

After a week, go back to the goals you listed before the school year started. Assess, re-evaluate, tweak. Decide what is working and what isn't. Look for blind spots. (once, I started a great elective and somehow forgot it by Christmas. yowza.) Then rewrite your goals for the rest of the year.

The week off will help you so much more than powering through and pushing yourself to catch up. With the added benefit of being emotionally present for your family...

Merry Christmas!

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